Saturday, September 1, 2007

A Change of Pace

Recently, I've found myself in a slump due to the end of the Festival and my own accumulated sleep deprivation. Stagnation has set in and I'm ready to be on the move again on a new adventure. Luckily, the Universe is looking out for my spirit and saw fit to send some help. My best friend in the whole world, the Fantastic Riley Burch (pictured at right in all her glory), just returned from her summer of adventures as a white water rafting guide in the Grand Canyon. We've picked up email correspondence after a hiatus of several months which is a pretty wordy business. The average installment from either of us measures about 10 pages as we try to discuss all that has transpired since we last spoke.

In short: Riley is my inspiration. She and I can talk about anything together. We're the world's best couple of nomadic-spirited, adventuresome, succulent, vibrant young women I know. Getting back in touch with Rye puts me back in touch with my sense of myself as a temple, a goddess, someone worth knowing. Even as I'm surrounded by strangers in a new country, she reminds me to hold my head high and smile because I am me, doing my own thing, enjoying life. It's been great to hear about her adventures on the river and to tell her about my experiences sailing on the Lady. Nobody else in her life quite appreciates the awesomeness of piloting a raft through Lava Falls and no one else in mine quite understands what a thrill it is for me to finally watch the sunset from a yard 80 feet up off the rolling deck.

I can still remember when these adventures were mere fantasties that we discussed at snack time on the Pavillion deck at Oak Grove, muching on Saltines and peanut butter-filled pretzels. We've both come a long way since then and it's inspiring to see that those dreams have become a reality. We are living our dreams. Every second. Because we believe in them. So this post is a thank you to Riley for galvanizing me to get excited about my freedom, because that's what I've suddenly become the owner of.

A whole lot of freedom.

I've got a fair amount of money saved up, not too much, but just enough. I have all my posessions in one easy-to-handle bag, I can book flights to basically anywhere on the continent, I can stop in other states on my way home to see old friends, I can decide to take a solo backpacking trip into the Himalayas if I want to. These next six months are entierly mine. I think I still need time to get used to this idea. To fully grasp how much fun this is really going to be. But today Riley got me started really thinking about it. And that's all it takes.

One of Riley's and my favorite authors is Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy, otherwise known as SARK. Her books and general philosophy always make me smile and get creative with my joy or my sadness. Simply reading one of her posters completely changes my frame of mind. She makes me want to dance in the woods and picnic in the back garden. I realize that if there's an author I should take the trouble to carry with me, it's her. I need the emotional, creative, spiritual pick-me-up her writing provides. To remind me of how much fun is out there waiting to be had.

So I'll be off to the shops tomorrow to hunt down a copy of Succulent Wild Woman and to photograph the site of my Great-Grandfather's stationary shop in George Street. My anscestors walked in this city years before I came here and now I'm the next link in the chain. My children will come to Europe one day and they can follow the steps of my journey through my journals, seeing the cities and countries as I saw them. This is what heritage is all about.

I've been getting in touch with other sailors as they leave the tall ships for the summer, so I've been feeling really connected to them as well. Lots of new friends around the country to visit and flourish with. We are a wild bunch of siblings. A few new views of longboating during family camp which I thought might be illuminating:

And the lovely summer crew -- Who are all hired for their good looks:

I'm really excited to return to the Lady when I get back to America, especially since Tall Ships Tacoma will be rocking it in 2008! And I'll definitely be around. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Hopefully this time my life won't get in the way of a good long stint on the Lady. At least two or three months to enjoy Tall Ships, two family camps, and plenty of sailing. Perhaps I'll even apply for Steward for a bit if I can wrangle it. Who knows. Getting paid for what you love is a grand goal to have. And even grander to attain.

I think I'll actually turn in before 3am tonight, which is probably a good idea. Tomorrow I'm on my way out of the city and into the far-flung north for some stunning scenery and a change of pace. I wish you all inspiring, delicious days and nights. Please please please relish everything. Including your bad moods and your boredom. They are just as important as any gleeful excitment.

Huge hugs and creative vibes,



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